Death Penalty

Prop 34: Ex-San Quentin Prison Warden Jeanne Woodford Backs California Measure to End Death Penalty
The former warden of San Quentin State Prison, Jeanne Woodford, joins us to discuss why she has come out in favor of Proposition 34, a ballot initiative to abolish …

Will Florida Execute a Psychotic Man Who Thinks He Is the “Prince of God”?
The state of Florida is pushing for the execution of an elderly prisoner with paranoid schizophrenia despite a Supreme Court ruling that prohibits executing the mentally ill.

Prop 34 Would End California Death Penalty
A perfect alignment of advantageous factors enabled opponents of capital punishment to place its abolition on the ballot for the first time in California.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Texas Is Preparing to Execute a Mentally Disabled Man Tomorrow, and More
Iceland is taking the lead in breaking up the big banks, and more news updates from the Thom Hartmann Program's Jim Javinsky.

Witness to Innocence: Wrongful Execution and Exoneration
Steidl spent twelve years on Illinois' death row, awaiting execution by lethal injection and five more years as an LWOP (Life Without Parole) prisoner before he was finally exonerated …

Grotesque, Immoral and Profoundly Anti-Democratic: The Death Penalty Should Be Repealed
Murder without due process is the government act that fundamentally separates free societies from authoritarian regimes.