Death Penalty
West Memphis 3’s Damien Echols on Healing After Death Row
Damien Echols of the West Memphis 3 discusses his ordeal during a screening of a new documentary about his case.
US Death Penalty Enacts Terror, Not Justice
The US death penalty resembles little more than codified state-sponsored terror based on race and class.
Contention and Confusion in Guantanamo Pre-Trial Hearings for Al-Nashiri Military Commissions
Ongoing military commission hearings at Guantanamo Bay expose striking differences in defendants' rights and public transparency from usual federal court proceedings.
Life on Penalty of Death
Maya Schenwar details her exchange with a prisoner on death row, striking right to the heart of what it means to be human.
Nebraska Keeps Death Penalty, Though Majority Seems to Back Repeal
In addition to Nebraska, 16 other states have already or are currently considering repeal bills this year.
From Capital Punishment to Guns, Old Fears Weigh Like a Nightmare on Today’s Debate
Stephen John Hartnett (author of Executing Democracy): The roots of today's debate about capital punishment, prisons and guns goes back to pre-civil war religious ideas that slaves must be …
Chris Hedges: Murder Is Our National Sport
Death Row inmate William Van Poyck fights for his life by blogging his experience as he waits for lethal injection.
The Death Penalty’s Fatal Flaws
Journalists Martin Clancy and Tim O'Brien make the case that - for the poor in America - justice is still unaffordable.
Detroit MLK Day for Justice: Of Dreams and Nightmares
n Detroit, on MLK Day, hundreds gathered to rally and protest against the persistent nightmares of inequality in urban cities nationwide.
25 Best Progressive Victories in 2012
Peter Dreier looks back at 2012 and 25 powerful progressive victories, including elections, ballot measures, court rulings, legislation and new waves of mobilization.