Climate Crisis

Canada’s Lubicon Lake Nation Continue Anti-Fracking Campaign, Appeal Court Injunction
Members of Lubicon Lake Nation are fighting a pro-fracking injunction granted in favor of Penn West Petroleum.

Truthout TV Interviews Bruce Melton About Global Climate Change
In this “Truthout Interivews,” Bruce Melton and Ted Asregadoo discuss different aspects of global climate change.

John Kerry Doing Right With 2015 Climate Treaty Push (but in 2014, Watch Out)
Kerry is to be saluted for prioritizing the protection of humanity over short-term politics. But don't kid yourself about the short-term politics.

Malign Confusion About Growth, Economic Growth or “Degrowth”: Which Way Forward? – Parts Two and Three
climate scientists have suggested that intentional “de-growth” is the only hope to stop the rising emissions associated with economic development and growth.

Talking Trash and Climate Crisis: A Conversation With Chicago’s Garbage Guru
An expert on all things garbage, Zelechowski spoke about the need to rethink the waste stream, the economic and environmental impacts of creative reuse, and how making trash visible …

Capitalism, Ecology and the Official Invisibility of Women
Accounting for the costs to society of environmental degradation is important, but it's also vital to account for women's under-compensated labor in a serious challenge to capitalism's profitability.

Climate Protection: The New Insurgency
Faced with the failure of conventional lobbying, the climate protection movement is now turning to mass civil disobedienceu2014but we can take it further still.

Undercover COP
Another year comes and goes and the media again ignores the inaction of the UN Climate Change Conference, this year beset by protests in Warsaw.

Climate Change 2013: Where We Are Now – Not What You Think
To prevent increasingly dangerous climate change, says Bruce Melton, the public and our leaders must be convinced to act decisively and robustly because, as his review of the latest …

Today’s Forecast Is for Climate-Proof Farming
Even as weather extremes bedevil Caribbean farmers, Ramgopaul Roop has turned his three-acre fruit farm into a showcase for how to beat climate change.