Climate Crisis
2023 Shatters Global Temperature Records. 2024 Is Expected to Be Worse.
“Temperatures during 2023 likely exceed those of any period in at least the last 100,000 years,” a climate expert said.
Right-Wing Christians Are Making Climate Apocalypse a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
The strident climate denial of white evangelical Christians is stoking our march toward a human-generated apocalypse.
COP29 Host Azerbaijan Plans to Raise Gas Production by a Third Over Next Decade
The country has also appointed a former state oil company executive to serve as president of the UN conference.
The Courts Have All But Killed Berkeley’s Gas Ban. How Will Cities Respond?
Experts say local governments still have plenty of options to create less polluting buildings.
How Can Philosophy Speak to a World in Crisis? The Answer May Lie in Our Bodies.
Pain and vulnerability can isolate us -- or be the source of our deepest bonds, says philosopher Drew Leder.
These Are the Essential Stories Corporate Media Refused to Cover in 2023
Trust in media is at an all-time low, in part because of corporate outlets’ failure to cover what’s really going on.
5 Largest Oil Giants Expect Shareholder Payouts to Exceed $100 Billion for 2023
Meanwhile, 2023 saw record temperatures in what UN Secretary General António Guterres called an “era of global boiling.”
Record-Breaking Heat, Wildfires and Storms Globally Linked to Climate Change
In 2023, record-high sea temperatures increased hurricane intensification, raising the risk of more destructive storms.
We Must Reckon With the Most Dangerous System of Extinction Humans Ever Created
Capitalism, especially U.S. militarized capitalism, is a structural extinction force we need to confront foremost.
Big Oil Is Expanding Production. It’s Up to All of Us to Act to Stop Them.
As fossil fuel mega-corporations merge, grassroots activists are fighting back.