Big Pharma

Feed Me, Pharma: More Evidence That Industry Meals Are Linked to Costlier Prescribing
A third study shows an association between physician drug choices and their interactions with the pharmaceutical industry.

Big Pharma Seeks to Capitalize on Pain-Reducing Compound Derived From Cannabis
While regulators debate the cannabis-derived compound CBD's legal status, Big Pharma attempts to corner the market.

Ten Huge Drug Rip-Offs — and Big Pharma’s Massive Price-Gouging Campaign
Big Pharma lobbying groups have launched a Washington, DC-focused campaign to keep lawmakers from legislating away the industry's profits.

How “Pharma-Bro” Martin Shkreli Encapsulates the World’s View of the United States
It is easy to find similarities between the perception of his actions and international views of the US.

Why Our Government Isn’t Listening: How Greed Is at the Root of US Suffering
Why doesn't the government of a country as wealthy as the US provide for its people? Oppression is a profitable business.

Four of the Most Commonly Prescribed Drugs That May Be More Risky Than Big Pharma Is Letting On
The AMA is debating whether direct-to-consumer advertising should be banned.

Tip of the Pharmaberg

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Big Pharma to Become One of Nation’s Biggest Tax Cheats, and More
Two of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world are about to merge.

World’s Poorest Countries Allowed to Keep Copying Patent-Protected Drugs
Despite some criticisms, the WTO's decision to extend the waiver should be praised.

Mental Health Bill Caters to Big Pharma and Would Expand Coercive Treatments
The “Murphy Bill” appears to cater more to pharmaceutical companies.