Human Rights and Global Wrongs
Marjorie Cohn analyzes the impact of US imperialism and human rights violations.
Trump’s Choice of Gorsuch Endangers Civil, Human and Environmental Rights
With Gorsuch on the bench, people of color, women and unions will see their hard-earned rights undermined.
State-Sanctioned Torture in the Age of Trump
Trump and his cabinet picks are on record defending torture as a legitimate form of interrogation.
Smooth-Talking Jeff Sessions Can’t Hide Disturbing Record
Sessions supports torture, laws disenfranchising voters of color and the “extreme vetting” of Muslim immigrants.
What Will Baghdad Face in 2017?
Being stuck in traffic is a daily fare in Baghdad.
A Year of US Militarism
US militarism was on full display in 2016 with a continued “war on terror” and bombing in at least five countries.
Trump’s Secretary of Defense Presided Over Slaughter of Civilians in Fallujah
With the likes of Mattis, Flynn and Pompeo advising him, is Trump likely to increase US military interventions?
The Human Right to Water at Standing Rock
Attacks on the Water Protectors at Standing Rock violate their internationally recognized right to safe water.
The Threat of a Right-Wing Supreme Court: Analyzing Trump’s Prospective Justices
The next president will change the Supreme Court's ideological makeup for four decades.
Fifteen Years After 9/11, Perpetual “War on Terror” Continues Unabated
Thirteen years after the illegal wars were started, the Bush war criminals have still not been brought to justice.
US Targeted Killing Rules Conflate Legality and Politics
The Presidential Policy Guidance on targeted killings appears to elevate politics over the law.