Op-Ed | Prisons & Policing Bipartisan Unity on Mass Incarceration: Opportunity or Sidetrack for Movement Building? Bipartisan unity on mass incarceration policy has prompted both optimism and serious critique. By James Kilgore , Truthout July 13, 2015 Truthout
Op-Ed | Prisons & Policing New York Plan Could Ameliorate Our Out-of-Control Bail System Many low risk individuals remain locked up because they are unable to afford bail. By Cody Fenwick , Care2 July 13, 2015 Truthout
Op-Ed | Prisons & Policing Will Obama Undo the Harms of the War on Drugs? The injustice lying behind the drug-related imprisonment is staggering. By Cody Fenwick , Care2 July 12, 2015 Truthout
News Analysis | Prisons & Policing The Secrecy of Torture: What Happens When Survivors’ Memories Are “Declassified”? Among the numerous bizarre facets of the Guantanamo Bay prison saga is the classification of people's memories as state secrets. By Adam Hudson , Truthout July 7, 2015 Truthout
Interview | Prisons & Policing Restorative Justice Is Needed for Albert Woodfox, Black Panther Party and Nation After 43 years, Albert Woodfox will be both immediately released and barred from a retrial. By Angola 3 News , CriticalMassProgress July 6, 2015 Truthout
News Analysis | Prisons & Policing Legalized Torture: Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Cruel Lethal Injections The Supreme Court's majority opinion, as much as the dissent, shows that the state should not be permitted to execute its citizens. By Erin Haney , Truthout June 30, 2015 Truthout
Op-Ed | Prisons & Policing Where Are Mayors Opposing Police Militarization? The world is watching and acting; grieving communities are waiting, desperately for change. By Janet Weil , Michelle Pineiro , Chelsea Byers , CODEPINK June 30, 2015 Truthout
News Analysis | Prisons & Policing How Activists Won Reparations for the Survivors of Chicago Police Department Torture A history of the movement to make Chicago pay for the crimes of Jon Burge. By Flint Taylor , InTheseTimes June 29, 2015 Truthout
Interview | Prisons & Policing Maya Schenwar | Women’s Prisons as Sites of Resistance: An Interview With Victoria Law Too often, organizing work done in women's prisons goes wholly unrecognized. By Maya Schenwar , Truthout June 28, 2015 Truthout
Excerpt | Prisons & Policing Unlikely Communities: Breaking the Alienation of Incarceration Women in prison band together in many creative ways to confront the system that aims to divide them. By Victoria Law , PMPress June 25, 2015 Truthout