Prisons & Policing

ACLU and HRW Call to Decriminalize Drug Use and Possession After Documenting Arrests Every 25 Seconds
In 2015 police booked more people for small-time marijuana charges than for murder, non-negligent manslaughter, rape, robbery and aggravated assault combined.

Solitary = Torture
Solitary is torture.

More Proof the Drug War Is Not Over
Ramping up criminal penalties for drug misuse will further entrench the poverty and social circumstances driving it.

The World We Want: An Activist Dispatch From the SOA Watch Convergence
The human rights crisis worsens at the US-Mexico border, and US mainstream politics offer little hope for refugees and migrants.

Advocates: The US Still Profits From Slavery Because the 13th Amendment Perpetuates Prison Labor
Malkia Cyril and Kevin Gannon discuss prison labor and slavery.

How Are Police Shootings Affecting Children of Color’s Emotional Development?
Adolescents of color reported feeling less safe with police in their community: “they aren't really there for us.”

Protests Continue in San Diego After Police Kill Alfred Olango
Protests continue in the San Diego, California, suburb of El Cajon, where police shot a Black man.

Living While Black in the US Is to Resist Being Defined by Others
How I define myself and my Black joy, pain, hope or sadness in those moments is insignificant to them and how they define us.

Keith Lamont Scott’s Wife Is Latest Black Woman Forced to Film State Violence Against a Partner
The gut-wrenching cellphone video by Rakeyia Scott witnessing her husband, Keith Lamont Scott, being shot was released.

Cities Fight Domestic Dragnet, Demand Local Police Disclose Use of Spy Gear
Eleven cities have introduced bills to enforce transparency in the use of surveillance tools by local police.