Economy & Labor

“Unequal Protection”: Corporations Go Global
(Image: JR / Truthout) People, at the time, generally weren’t all that concerned about the fate of the world’s dolphins. It was the last week of June …

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Republicans Cut Off Money for High-Speed Rail, and More

Inside Greek’s General Strike: Report From Athens as Thousands Protest Sweeping Austerity Cuts (Video)
ALSO SEE: Greek Parliament Approves Austerity Plan

Thom Hartmann: Second Japan Nuke… More Dangerous Than Fukushima?
Kevin Kamps, Nuclear Waste Watchdog at Beyond Nuclear joins Thom Hartmann. If Japan didn't have its hands full with one melted down nuclear plant at Fukushima - it certainly …

Truthout’s Jason Leopold Speaks to RT America About Hypocrisy at Guantanamo Bay (Video)
The United States is outspoken about human rights violations happening across the globe, but what about the ones of which America itself is guilty? Investigative journalist Jason Leopold talks …

In the Shadow of the Dragon
A business enterprise has grown in the shadow of the dragon that—in virtually every way imaginable—is the antithesis of a dragon.

Wal-Mart Is Not a Person
“We the People” now explicitly means “We the Citizens, Corporations, and Churches” with a few of the richest humans who run them thrown in.

Put Lou Dobbs Out to Pasture
Our problem is not an immigration issue, it’s an economic one.

Stop Them From Eating My Town
We must break up the modern-day monopolists and return opportunity and wealth to local communities and small businesses.

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts
Why is it that Americans have come to believe that tax cuts are good for everyone?