Economy & Labor

On the News With Thom Hartmann: A Movement in the US Senate Aims to Abolish Indefinite Detention, and More
As the so-called fiscal cliff nears, Republicans will likely hold things like extended unemployment benefits hostage.

Most New Jobs Don’t Require College Education
Jeannette Wicks-Lim: The possibility of educating one's way out of poverty is getting dim as most new jobs only require a high school education.

Community, the Environment and the “Nonsexist City“
In this chapter, Gar Alperovitz charts the varied interconnections between community economic and environmental stability, gender-friendly community design and land ownership institutions.

Who’s Getting Pushed Off the “Fiscal Cliff”?
Progressive Democrats lobby against a Grand Bargain that will further unravel the social safety net.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: The “Congressman with Guts” Attended Walmart Protests, and More
The Bank of England named former Goldman Sachs investment banker Mark Carney as its new chief.

Black Friday: A Day Forgotten and Reborn
A name for a day of huge business losses has become the name for a day of hoped-for business gains. How'd that happen?

My Thanksgiving: A Turkey Sandwich at WalMart
I did not spend Thanksgiving evening with my wife and my five children. I spent it, instead, handing out turkey sandwiches to workers in WalMart.

After Brokering Gaza Ceasefire, Egypt’s Morsi Reignites Protests With Decree Expanding Powers
Protests continue in Cairou2019s Tahrir Square after Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi issued a decree last week.

Africa Lost 1.6 Trillion in Capital Flight and Odious Debt Over Forty Years
Lu00e9once Ndikumana: $619 billion of embezzled capital flight from North Africa with connivance of big banks according to new research.

Massive Fire Kills at Least 118 Factory Workers in Bangladesh at Walmart Supplier
A clothing factory in Bangladesh that has ties to Wal-Mart suffered a massive fire Saturday that left at least 118 dead.