Economy & Labor

Sequestration: What Do the Automatic Spending Cuts Mean for the Poor, Unemployed and Children?
The word of the month in Washington is

On the News With Thom Hartmann: New Orleans Judge Reduces BP’s Liability, and More
A week before BP's civil trial for the 2010 Gulf oil disaster, a district judge in New Orleans just reduced the company's liability by $3.4 billion.

Will a Higher Minimum Wage Cost Jobs?
Bob Pollin on the theory that a higher minimum wage will reduce jobs available to young people entering the work force and won't reduce poverty.

W.E.B. Du Bois vs. Booker T. Washington – Then and Now
Anthony Monteiro : Feb. 23, 2013 is the 145th anniversary of the birth of Du Bois, considered a founder of the civil rights movement and father of Pan Africanism.

Ecuador Chooses Stimulus over Austerity
As Ecuador votes for new president, the stimulus policies of current president Correa have kept Ecuador out of recession.

LIBOR Scandal More Than Fraud – Whole Game Is Rigged
Costas Lapavitsas: From multimillion dollar losses by cities like Baltimore to pension fund losses and much more, the LIBOR interest rate scandal shows that such mechanisms must be taken …

Lessons from Megabanks’ Megascandals
Updates on global capital's devastating moves and on the FED's huge recent expansion of the money supply.

Worker Owned Businesses Point to New Forms of Ownership
Can co-ops come out of the margins of the economy and be part of a larger political project to transform how things are owned?

State of the Union: Do Policy Proposals Live Up to Rhetoric on Wages and Climate Change?
Gerald Epstein: Language on wages and climate change could help shift the debate, but policy proposals tied to interests of finance and private sector.

Will Obama Plan Create a “Rising, Thriving Middle Class”?
Leo Panitch and Jennifer Taub: President Obama's SOTU shows he is far more wedded to private sector, free market solutions than restoring the bargain with the middle class.