Economy & Labor

Everyone-but-China TPP Trade Deal Threatens Sovereignty and Public Ownership
Truthout contributors Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese appear on RNN to explain how the Obama-led Trans-Pacific Partnership aims to isolate China while strengthening corporate legal rights.

“Capitalism Never Solves Its Crisis Problems; It Moves Them Around Geographically”
This is one of the best animations about modern capitalism I've seen, says Gaius Publius.

More than 100 Arrested Protesting Mass School Closings In Chicago
Teachers, workers and activists hope to pressure Chicago to abandon plans to close 61 schools.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) Was Challenged Before the Supreme Court Today, and More
Truthout needs your support to produce grassroots journalism and disseminate conscientious visions for a brighter future. Contribute now by clicking here. In today's On the News segment: Today, the …

Capitalism in Crisis: Richard Wolff Urges End to Austerity, New Jobs Program, Democratizing Work
As Washington lawmakers pushes new austerity measures, economist Richard Wolff calls for a radical restructuring of the US economic and financial systems.

A People’s Revolt in Cyprus: Richard Wolff on Protests Against EU Plan to Seize Bank Savings
The eyes of the financial world are on the small Mediterranean island of Cyprus.

Economic Update: Fighting Economic Injustice
Updates on important lessons of Cyprus crisis, big bucks for Wells Fargo CEO, the home finance crisis, and real fur faked.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Walmart Is Illegally Targeting Employees That Protested During Black Friday, and More
Walmart is illegally targeting employees that took part in the Black Friday protests.

Gailbraith and Panitch: Is a New “New Deal” Possible?
James K. Gailbraith and Leo Panitch discuss the 80th anniversary of the election of FDR and the significance of the New Deal.

The New York Times and “Liberal Media” Helped Sell the Iraq War
Michael Ratner: The NYT and other ‘liberal’ commentators led the way in selling the WMD myth and justified the Iraq war.