News Analysis

The Coming Double-Dip Recession
On June 1, stock markets in New York and around the world declined in levels not seen since summer 2010. Days and weeks immediately ahead will likely register even …

After 30 Years of AIDS, Treatment Gap Still Feeds the Epidemic
(Photo: David Wan / Flickr) On the cusp of the 30th anniversary of the discovery of AIDS, a new report from UNAIDS says there is reason to …

At Long Last, House Debates and Votes on Libya War Powers
(Photo: Pete Souza / White House) On Friday, more than two months after President Obama ordered U.S. forces into a war of choice in Libya without Congressional …

“Serious” Republicans vs. “Starry-Eyed” Progressives In the Eyes of the Beltway Media
Rep. Paul Ryan. (Photo: Gage Skidmore / Flickr) The budget proposal released on April 5 by Rep. Paul Ryan (R.-Wisc.) includes tax cuts for the wealthy, tax …

The Hidden History of Mexico/US Labor Solidarity
The line of cars waiting to cross from Mexico into the United States. (Photo: Quentin Xerxes Zamfir / Flickr) In the period since the North American Free …

Netanyahu’s Speech and Congressional Democrats’ Embrace of Extremism
Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu. (Photo: IsraelMFA / Flickr) As Israeli opposition parties, peace and human rights activists, and editorialists denounced their prime minister's intransigence in the …

Rifts Appear as Syrian Opposition Struggles to Maintain Momentum
Two months into the uprisings that have shaken the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad, the outcome remains largely unclear. The Syrian government's repressive measures, complete with mass arrests, torture, …

MSNBC’s Flawed Coverage of Libya, Economy
(Photo: Jason Garber / Flickr)

Washington Visit, Bibi’s Waterloo?
Isareli Prime Minister Binjamin Netanyahu. (Image: Lance Page / Truthout; Adapted: Pete Souza, Philip Bump) After witnessing the weird, dissonant political theater surrounding Bibi Netanyahu's visit to …

US Uses Peace Talks to Divide Taliban From Pakistan
The leaked reports over the past two weeks of a series of meetings between US officials and a Taliban figure close to leader Mullah Omar seemed to point to …