News Analysis

No Back to School Worries? AT&T Just Handed Students a BIG One!
For many of us, the days before search engines, social networking and constant wireless access to information and entertainment seem like a lifetime ago. But for those young adults …

Worker Cooperatives Reduce “Hard-Core” Unemployment
Buenos Aires - During the social and economic collapse of 2002-2003, the Argentine state encouraged the formation of workers' cooperatives, which helped mitigate the worst effects of the crisis, …

Poverty and Testing in Education: “The Present Scientifico-legal Complex”
Part I: Poverty Jim Taylor has entered the poverty and education debate by asking US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and billionaire/education entrepreneur Bill Gates a direct …

The Think Tank Behind Rick Perry
Part I: Rick Perry and the Texas Public Policy Foundation If Rick Perry goes to Washington, it's likely that he will bring with him the conservative policies …

Tribunal Concealed Evidence Al-Qaeda Cell Killed Hariri
Washington - In focusing entirely on the alleged links between four Hezbollah activists and the 2005 bombing that killed Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, the indictment issued by the Special …

Landmines and Cluster Bombs: “Weapons of Mass Destruction in Slow Motion“
Sihanoukville, Cambodia - A man who lost his leg to a landmine in Thailand, near the border. (Photo: Dave_B_) Every 20 minutes, a landmine explodes and 50 …

Abuse of Power: Congressman Issa’s Attacks on the National Labor Relations Board
Rep. Darrell Issa (R-California), during a hearing on Regulatory Impediments to Job Creation, on Capitol Hill, in Washington, February 10, 2011. (Photo: Drew Angerer / The New York Times) …

CEO Pay Exceeds Company Tax Bill at Major Corporations
(Photo: allensima; Edited: JR / Truthout) As the Super Congress eyes trillions in budget cuts that will undermine the quality of life for most Americans, here's a …

The Economics of Happiness
(Image: JR / Truthout) New York - We live in a time of high anxiety. Despite the world’s unprecedented total wealth, there is vast insecurity, unrest, and …

Bill McKibben Responds to Press Sec. Jay Carney’s Statements on the Tar Sands Action
We just got some important evidence that this protest is working and that we’re breaking through to the mainstream media and the White House. This morning, President …