News Analysis
Is A Flat Tax Fair?
Conservatives are always pushing for a “flat tax.” It sounds so simple: One easy rate, so we all pay the same, easy to calculate... Get rid of deductions and …
Can the Fed Prevent the Next Crisis by Eliminating Interest on Student Loan Debt?
(Photo: Andrew Bossi / Flickr) Among the demands of the Wall Street protesters is student debt forgiveness - a debt “jubilee.” Occupy Philly has a "Student Loan …
One More SEC/Citigroup Sweetheart Deal – Five Reasons to Be Outraged
The President says he understands the frustration behind the Occupy Wall Street movement. That's nice. But the anger will keep growing as long as the government keeps handing out …
Great Game in the Horn of Africa
The United States announced this past week that it is deploying a 100-man mission to assist the Ugandan government in tracking down the remnants of the Lord's Resistance Army …
US Combat Troops Descend on Africa
Ugandan soldiers on patrol in the Congo, looking for tracks of the Lord’s Resistance Army in late March 2010. (Photo: Jeffrey Gettleman / The New York Times). …
Wall Street Firms Spy on Protestors in Tax-Funded Center
Wall Street’s audacity to corrupt knows no bounds and the cooptation of government by the 1 per cent knows no limits. How else to explain $150 million of …
New Hampshire Polls Show Both Side of the Aisle Agree on Something
Today the business leaders of the Committee for Economic Development and the bipartisan Americans for Campaign Reform released a new poll showing that almost 2/3 of likely Republican Primary …
Occupy Berlin: In the Shadow of the Reichstag
Occupy Berlin, in front of the Reichstag, October 15, 2011. (Photo: Brainbitch) I was not going to write a Solutions column this week because I am on …
Thanks to the 99 Percent Movement, Media Finally Covering Jobs Crisis and Marginalizing Deficit Hysteria
Part of the reason economic policymakers have failed to properly address the poor economy is because the nation’s news media has not properly covered the unemployment crisis. For example, …
Democrats and the Death of Keynesian Economics
President Barack Obama is seen through a window backstage at the General Motors Lake Orion Assembly Plant in Orion Township, Michigan, October 14, 2011. (Photo: Pete Souza / White …