Search Results for “ptsd claims rise among veterans treated va”

Private Firms Pitch Dubious PTSD Treatments to Veterans Affairs
“The answer is: If it hasn’t been proven, it’s not something the VA should endorse,” says one agency official.

How the “Use of Force” Industry Drives Police Militarization and Makes Us All Less Safe
Racial and ethnic fears and prejudices are bound up in law enforcement anxieties over control and use of excessive force.

Honor the Vietnamese, Not Those Who Killed Them
It is the Vietnamese we should honor, commemorate, remember.

The Endless Tragedy of Vietnam
For the US government, old lies die hard.

Hurry Up and Wait: Bashing the VA
Have national misgivings toward post-World War II conflicts become a factor in determining the VA's budget, or is ideology preventing proper funding of the most efficient US health care …

It Doesn’t Take Much: On Almost Getting PTSD in Iraq
Even for those who did not serve, the trauma of war torn Iraq continues to take its toll.

The Iraq War and Moral Injury
For the 10th anniversary of the Iraq War, Patricia Hynes' serires features voices of veterans with a moral tenor.

Raids, Harassment at Occupy Tent Cities Start Broader Conversation About Criminalizing Homelessness
Homelessness was not a large problem after the 1930s, thanks to the New Deal and other housing programs, until several policy changes in the 70s and 80s began to …

Was Soldier-Shooter in Afghanistan Redeployed With PTSD?
The Army is keeping mum on whether the Army sergeant who went on a rampage in Afghanistan has ever been evaluated or asked for evaluation for PTSD, but it …

Court Demands Mental Health Care Reform for Veterans, Cites VA’s “Unchecked Incompetence” (2)
Before he left office more than two years ago, George W. Bush released two reports touting his accomplishments during his tenure as president, boasting that he "provided unprecedented resources …