Indigenous Sovereignty Is Under Attack as Supreme Court Bends Rules for Settlers
In the past 30 years, Indigenous tribes and tribal interests have lost two-thirds of all Supreme Court cases.
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The Lack of Native Doctors Has Deadly Consequences. We Can Fix It.
Increased access to scholarships and other funding is crucial to improving Native representation in medicine and beyond.
Chalking Bans and ID Checks at Protests Repress Palestine Solidarity on Campus
Many new forms of campus repression are stifling Palestine solidarity organizing.
Carbon Capture Means More Pollution for Black Communities in Cancer Alley
The existing racial injustices of the petrochemical industry are being expanded in the name of fighting climate change.
The EPA Is Mandating Removal of Lead Pipes. What Will Replace Them?
The new rule is a step in the right direction, but cost-cutting could lead to a different kind of toxicity.
US Militarism Remains Front and Center for Many Filipino Voters in 2024
The war machine enables authoritarianism in the Philippines and genocide in Gaza at the expense of our needs at home.
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Israel’s Bombing of Palestinians in Tent Camps Draws International Outrage
“This evil genocide must end and President Biden has to stop enabling it,” said Rep. Ilhan Omar.
Costly Replacement of ICBMs With Sentinel Missiles Increases Risk of Nuclear War
Many of our unmet needs as US citizens are due in part to the cost of the US nuclear arsenal.
Native Higher Ed May Be Shortchanged $250 Million Per Year by Congress
Many colleges in Indigenous communities have major infrastructural problems because they cannot afford maintenance.
FEMA Workers Told to Flee North Carolina After Threats From “Armed Militias”
MAGA’s “lies have real world consequences,” Carolina Forward, a North Caroline-Based think tank, said.
“The agonizing experience of being a hostage causes me to resonate deeply with the closing off of the Gaza Strip, the families trapped there, and the Palestinians held hostage to Israeli policy and in Israeli prisons.”
Struggle and Solidarity: Writing Toward Palestinian Liberation
We can’t look away from Israel’s genocidal violence against Palestinians — or the movement for a free Palestine.
2024 Election
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Trump Pledges to Use Law Behind Japanese Internment to Conduct Mass Deportations
Trump’s rhetoric in Colorado built on the anti-immigrant lies his campaign spread about Haitians in Springfield, Ohio.
“People Love to Vote for a Raise”: Red States Gear Up for Minimum Wage Vote
Missouri, Alaska and Nebraska are voting on ballot measures that could raise wages for nearly a million workers.
US Militarism Remains Front and Center for Many Filipino Voters in 2024
The war machine enables authoritarianism in the Philippines and genocide in Gaza at the expense of our needs at home.
Downballot Democrats Warn They Could Lose Majorities in Swing State Legislatures
Campaigners say even a Harris victory may not prevent GOP takeovers in states like Michigan, Pennsylvania and Minnesota.